Coping With Change and Challenge: Break Down or Break Records

Change and the challenges it brings cause some people to fret and break and others to break records. Change is like a grindstone, it either grinds you down or it polishes you up.

In today’s business environment, you have a constant companion: challenge. You never know what will hit you next – a heavier workload, a lost customer, a project that needs three people to be able to deliver by the due date instead of just you, a merger where you don’t know if you’ll still have a job, a tough competitor who is working hard to swipe your customers, a budget-cut, or a new responsibility that does not fall into your job description. The list of challenges that we face every day can go on and without the right mindset it can grind us down rather than making us into better people. How do you approach these situations?

In today’s world, every day, we face stress, rejection, or disappointment. That’s the grindstone. But you can’t focus on how bad you think it is. Instead focus on this: Every day you are also constantly involved in new situations where you can be a winner. Landing a big account, obtaining a NEW client, finishing a project done right the first time and on time, and other such victories are positive shots in the arm that can energize you throughout the day! Focus on these and be ready for others.

Seven Tips to Help You Cope With Change and Challenges

Below are seven tips to help you stay in the right frame of mind so that you don’t break down. These will help you to cope with the changes and challenges you must face each day, and encourage you to break records.

1) Keep the economy in perspective but keep your eye on the prize.

No one knows what’s going to happen. Keep your eye on the prize: a more successful future, and you as a winner. Don’t let the economy steal your enthusiasm for your job and your life and quit trying, or for sure, you won’t succeed.

2) Think of crisis situations that you’ve overcome in the past.

Everyone has survived and overcome challenging times. You may have turned miserable sales numbers around or stayed in business when others predicted you would flop. You may have beaten an addiction or cancer. Maybe you have survived a divorce or made it back from serving your country safely. You may have almost lost your job, but you didn’t. No one goes through life on roller skates. Have you ever told someone, “I don’t know how I made it through that.”? But you did. You’ll make it through these changing, challenging times too. Maybe you’ll even break records.

3) Use positive self-talk.

“I can handle this.” “I’ll come through.” “I’ll envision this project done, stay focused on it, and reward myself when I’m done.” “I’m going to exude confidence, communicate with class and professionalism and land this client.” “I’m going to get through these times. I’m going reinvent my company and create a smart competitive strategy.” Corny? Even the most sophisticated executives use positive self talk.

4) Channel your stress.

The most successful people know that they must find an outlet to channel their stress. The best way is exercise! Just do it. You’ll be surprised how much positive energy you can put into your job by putting it into your body. Make sure you keep your life in balance as well. Get your calendar out and block out time for family activities, fun, exercise and hobbies. Life was meant to be enjoyed. Squeeze in some enjoyment.

5) Be realistic and know more change will come.

Take it one day at a time and have the confidence in yourself that you will handle things as they occur. (Note: This does not hold true for business owners. You need a contingency plan if Plan A does not work out.)

6) Find joy in your job.

You may not have a job you absolutely love, but focus on what you do like about it. Don’t let negative people grind down your positive attitude. Be too strong to let things get the best of you.

7) Leave no stone unturned.

Make a list of every single thing you can do to cope with change and the challenges it brings, and break records. Can you make more phone calls and have more face-to-face visits with customers? Can you spend one day each week asking for referrals?

Is it time for a new marketing strategy? How about creating a strategy to win over customers? What training can you obtain that will give you the skills you need? Can you join the health club and manage to get there twice a week? Can you meet with your employees to obtain their input on how to improve productivity, profitability, morale, teamwork and service? Can you find ways to alleviate stress in the workplace and make it a better place to come to work each day?

Change, Challenges, Choices

You don’t have a lot of control over change and the challenges you must face. However, you do have a choice: You can choose not to fret and breakdown and strive to break records. You can choose not to let change grind you down, but polish you up.
Until next week…may you approach each day with great strength, joy, and always…integrity.

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About Christine Corelli

Christine Corelli is a motivational, keynote, business, leadership, sales, and customer service speaker, sales trainer, and author of seven business books. As a keynote speaker, she is known for her high energy and interactive speaking style.

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