Capture Your Competitors’ Customers — and Keep Them!



Where to Find More Customers. Perhaps your customers don't wear suits, but wouldn't you just love to go out and lasso your competitors' customers? If you've been chasing them for a while, you already know that bringing new customers into your fold is not an easy task. This is the book that will show you how it's done.

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Where to Find More Customers. Perhaps your customers don’t wear suits, but wouldn’t you just love to go out and lasso your competitors’ customers? If you’ve been chasing them for a while, you already know that bringing new customers into your fold is not an easy task. This is the book that will show you how it’s done. Through corporate case studies and anecdotes, business-strategy author Christine Corelli shares the collective — and applied — wisdom of today’s leading executives and sales professionals who excel at customer acquisition and retention. 296 pages on…

  • Real-world tactics for acquiring new customers from the smartest (and shrewdest) executives, business owners and sales professionals from a wide cross-section of industries — what they’ve done to effectively swipe their competitors’ customers and gain market share
  • Proven selling techniques for today’s new and often ruthless business arena where new customers are up for grabs
  • Protect what’s yours! How to guard your own customers from predators and make them — and therefore yourself — less vulnerable to your competitors’ wiles
  • Gain the very highest levels of customer loyalty and increase sales through a sales-service excellence culture that ensures that you keep your new customers
  • Customers are fair game, but they’re no fools — stealing them can only happen when they want to come to you! So take charge of your own business growth by taking over where others have been careless.

Christine Corelli, best-selling author and keynote speaker, helps you see your business and your customers with new eyes, and prepares you for executing your own smart strategies.

Learn the best techniques for getting more new customers — by capturing those of your competitors. Real World Tactics and Smart Strategies To Help You Sway Customers Over To YOU

Read About and Apply Smart Strategies Plus How to: 

  • Position Yourself as An Indispensable Business Partner
  • Hold Highly Creative Customer Events
  • Align Sales and Marketing
  • Provide Consistently Exceptional Customer Service – Just Like J.D. Power and Associates,
  • Bloomberg BusinessWeek – Customer Service Champions!)
  • Deal With Even the Most Difficult Customers and Situations
  • Create a Culture For High Performance

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