Employee Satisfaction Survey



In an ideal world, motivation would come exclusively from within. The reality is that it's up to management to make sure there are high levels of employee satisfaction in their company. The reasons are obvious – higher productivity, less turnover, improved teamwork, increased idea sharing, and more. One of the biggest reasons to make sure your company has a high level of employee satisfaction is that it is one of the best ways to obtain the highest levels of customer satisfaction.



“Whose job is it to keep you motivated?”

When employees are asked this question, you might think the response would be “It’s my job to keep myself motivated.” But, in reality, the most frequent and correct answer is, “It’s my boss’s job.”

Surprised? Don’t be. In an ideal world, motivation would come exclusively from within. The reality is that it’s up to management to make sure there are high levels of employee motivation and satisfaction in their company. The reasons are obvious – higher productivity, less turnover, improved teamwork, increased idea sharing, and more. One of the biggest reasons to make sure your company has a high level of employee satisfaction is that it is one of the best ways to obtain the highest levels of customer satisfaction. Numerous studies and books have been written on how employee satisfaction is directly related to customer satisfaction.

The Bad News

Recent research has revealed that employee satisfaction has dramatically declined over the last twenty years. This is alarming, as no organization can create and sustain success in today’s world of fierce competition and a volatile economy without the full support of their employees. They are the ones responsible for the reputation of your company. Your employees can be your ambassadors or your assassins.

First Things First

  • First, you need to clearly identify where your company needs improvement in employee satisfaction.

While most companies conduct expensive and extensive Employee Satisfaction Surveys that take a great deal of time and money, a Simple Employee Satisfaction Survey can reveal where you excel and where you need to improve employee satisfaction.

This Simple Employee Satisfaction Survey lists 21 questions that will provide answers to your challenge of employee satisfaction. The first five on the list are the most important. The questions in the employee satisfaction survey are based on my own experience working with thousands of companies throughout my career as a speaker and consultant. And it’s AFFORDABLE.

The Simple Employee Satisfaction Survey Will Be Delivered in PDF Format

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