How to Build Customer Trust With Today’s Skeptical Customers

Skeptical Customer
Customer trust is hard to earn these days. This is due to the fact that today’s customers are skeptical. A recent study conducted by Insights in Marketing revealed that fewer than one-third of the public believed the content in advertorial messages.

Customers question whether there is real truth in what you say about your product or service on your website and in your company’s marketing and advertising campaigns. They also recognize that every salesperson and company boasts of outstanding customer service. Today’s customers ask themselves these types of questions…

“Is it really five-star service?”
“Is it really Seattle’s best coffee?”
“Is it really minutes from the airport? Or is it 40 minutes?”
“Does it really outperform all others?”
“Do they really honor their lifetime guarantee?”
“Is it truly user-friendly?” Or, am I being used?”
“Will this really save me money, increase my productivity, and profitability?”
“Does their equipment truly set the standard for other manufacturers?”
“Will I really look ten years younger?” (Whaaaa?)

Building customer trust is really quite simple. Simply…

  • Do what you say you are going to do when you say you are going to do it and follow through!
  • Never stretch the truth or tell a lie just to make a sale. Instead, get and show customers great reviews on everything you say your company does.
  • Be upfront and honest from Day One.
  • Make sure there are no hidden fees or shipping costs they didn’t expect.
  • Honor your warranty.
  • Stand on your head for customers and bend over backward to help them.
  • Give salespeople and employees the tools and training they need to excel in their job-role and provide consistently great service.
  • Make sure every single person in your company lives and breathes your core values.
  • Provide more help than customers ever dreamed possible.
  • Use words and phrases such as, “Take a look and see for yourself,” Or, “Try it and see if you like it.”
  • Leverage your relationships with vendors/suppliers so they say good things about you.
  • Under promise. Overdeliver. (Oh you’ve heard that before.)
  • Never “bad-mouth” your competition.”
  • Don’t withhold bad news. Just be honest and apologetic.
  • Problem? Complaint? Fix it fast! Call back after it is has been resolved to make sure the customer is content.
  • Over-compensate when you err.
  • Over-communicate.
  • Be involved with a good cause. Give back. Customers tend to trust companies that have a cause.

Building Customer Trust Involves a Great Deal More. For Now…

Brainstorm methods to build trust with your team and remember that when it comes to success in sales and in business, (and even in your personal life) it’s all about …

Customer Trust

Trust me!

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About Christine Corelli

Christine Corelli is a motivational, keynote, business, leadership, sales, and customer service speaker, sales trainer, and author of seven business books. As a keynote speaker, she is known for her high energy and interactive speaking style.

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