The Power of Positive Thoughts and Intentions for Women


Original price was: $9.99.Current price is: $7.99.


The Power of Positive Thoughts and Intentions for Women is an inspiring eBook based on James Allen’s classic – As a Man Thinketh adapted for women by Christine Corelli. This book will help you to take control of your mind and your life through positive thoughts and help you to achieve success in all your endeavors.  You will be inspired by Allen’s philosophies on areas of life that are crucial to personal and professional success – health, relationships, money, and social status. The Power of Positive Thoughts and Intentions will also give you a great gift – WISDOM.



The Power of Positive Thoughts and Intentions for Women 

The Power of Positive Thoughts and Intentions for Women is an e-book that has been adapted from James Allen’s As A Man Thinketh which was originally published in 1903.  The concept of his book is this fundamental truth of human nature:

“A man is literally what he thinks.”

Christine Corelli, author of 6 business books (felt that the content in As a Man Thinketh would immensely benefit women and took action.  Here it is – The Power of Positive Thoughts and Intentions for Women.

Allen felt that one’s, identity, ability, and success are all determined by how we think — which is what Christine professes to her audiences in her programs. Examples:

“It’s not always about your skills, talent, experience, or education. Success comes from how we think! Think positive thoughts. Think “can-do.” Think “For Every Problem, There’s a Solution.” Think “The world changes, business changes, people change, relationships change, management makes changes.  I’ll deal with it! Think “I’m too strong to let this get to me.” Think, “All I do is with good intentions.”  And…

“Knowing What You Intend to Do and Doing It Are Two Very Different Things.

Execution of Your Intentions – Taking Action – Will Give You Results”

The Power of Positive Thoughts and Intentions for Women will help you to take control of your mind to become the person you want to be and help you to achieve success in all your endeavors in business and your personal life. You will be inspired by Allen’s philosophies on areas of life that are crucial to personal and professional success – health, relationships, money, social status. It will help you to find more meaning and purpose in your life.

Even if you are already successful, you will benefit from this book. After reading it, you will be able to –

  • Stop thinking negatively
  • Keep things in proper perspective
  • Contemplate your decisions
  • Stay in the right frame of mind
  • Have more confidence and become a strong and powerful woman


Buy the book, download it, and be sure to read this article on Christine’s blog:

Make a Decision to be Successful

Positive Thoughts for Women and Intentions is affordable!

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