Christine’s Blog
Serious About Client Service? – Seven Steps to Improve Your Service
Are you serious about improving the level of service you now provide? Of course you are! Providing outstanding client service is an imperative for business success. This holds true whether you have 10 or 10,000 people working for you. Below are Seven Steps you can take to make a positive impression and improve the level of client service you now provide. [Read more…]
Managing Older Employees

“I’m so much younger than the people I lead. How do I manage people who are do much older than me? Many don’t take me seriously. Some don’t say anything, but their attitude and non-verbal communication shows me how they feel.” [Read more…]
Why Employees Leave

The cost of employee turnover is too high. You expend too much in recruiting, advertising, and training let alone the lost productivity, increased stress, and low morale that comes with frequent turnover. And triple all this if a person has been a valuable asset to your company. You simply can’t afford to lose a high contributor. [Read more…]
Turn Difficult Customers into Loyal Customers

One of the most challenging situations is to turn difficult customers into loyal customers. If you can do so, then you may not only gain a new loyal customer but also create an advocate for your business. When you encounter a difficult customer, instead of getting angry and defensive, be respectful, apologetic and humble. [Read more…]
How to Sell Insurance and Financial Services to Women
Selling insurance and financial services to women requires a different approach.
In the past, many women were insulated from dealing with family finances by their spouses. After losing their spouse or becoming “suddenly single,” they found themselves with little, if any, knowledge on how to handle their investments or plan for the future.
Many a woman who had been married for 30 or 40 years, after the death of her husband, would suddenly realize that she never once balanced their checkbook. Moreover, she rarely wrote a single check or paid any of their bills. Many didn’t even know how much money they had, what accounts or financial plans were even in place.
This, like many other things in business, society, and life has changed. The number of single women has risen in the past two decades, and more women make their own decisions regarding their finances. Also, with the passage of the Affordable Care Act in March 2010, many women have begun to study and understand the options available to them for providing their families with health insurance. [Read more…]
Think Like a Boss and Demonstrate Initiative
Demonstrate initiative. It’s important. You work hard. You do a good job. You want to not only keep that job, but you’d like get ahead. While opportunities for advancement in your company may not be available to you right now, there may be one in the future. Be sure you let HR know that you’d like to advance in your company. Meanwhile…
One way to demonstrate initiative is to think like a boss.
Do you know what bosses really want and need? [Read more…]
Brand Promise: Three Leadership Tips – One Tip for Sales Leaders
Make your brand promise come alive. What is your brand promise?
Is your brand promise on your marketing materials, website, etc? Is there truth in what you say about yourself? Want to make it happen? Of course you do. [Read more…]
Bad Bosses
Why do some companies tolerate “bad-bosses?” How can they expect their employees to come to work each day and deliver their best performance if their bosses are bad?
Bad Bosses Still Exist
There is so much talk and emphasis on leadership today and why bosses should not be “bosses” they should be leaders. Yet, in my work as a consultant on creating a high performance culture, people still tell me they are working for a bad boss. [Read more…]
Bad Apple Employees
Results of an Interesting Study: Good employees quit at a 54% higher rate when they work with a toxic (bad-apple employee.)
The cost to engage a toxic employee is 3x that of a non-toxic employee.
Applicants who are self-proclaimed “rule followers” are 33% more likely to be a toxic employee.
Source: Cornerstone [Read more…]