How to Keep Customers


Today’s customers have higher expectations, more choices, more service savvy, and they are more discriminating than ever before. But don’t worry. The tips you glean from this article will help you to satisfy their demands. [Read more…]

Get Serious about Customer Service

customer service

It goes without saying that outstanding customer service is now an imperative for business success. Customers don’t need much of an excuse to head over to your competitor if your business falls even the slightest bit short in the level of service you provide. And in today’s economy, you can’t afford to lose even one customer. [Read more…]

The Customer Has Changed. . . So Must You


Wake Up! The world is changing more rapidly than ever before and, along with it, so is the customer. They rule. Regardless of whether you sell to consumers or business-to-business, your customer has more choices, is better informed, more cost-conscious, and more demanding than ever. It seems if you don’t give them what they want, how they want it, when they want it at the price they’re willing to pay, they’ll just head over to your competitor. [Read more…]

The Customer Rules!



There’s no doubt about it, the customer rules in the new economy—an all too familiar mantra these days. Your customer is the “King” or “Queen” who tells you what they want, how they want it, what they are willing to pay for it, and most important, how they want to be serviced. They are the ones who determine whether your company will win or lose—and rest assured, if you don’t give them what they want, your competitor will. [Read more…]

How to Treat Customers


Most people have heard the old expression, “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.” But, if you’re in business, it will probably mean more to you than anyone else. In fact, it’s a motto that should be posted over your office as a reminder that your existing customers are worth a great deal to you and your company. How you treat customers is of the utmost importance. [Read more…]

Be an Ambassador or An Assassin


Competition is getting tougher every minute. In fact, your competition is vying for YOUR customers and plotting ways to get them as you’re reading! [Read more…]
