The constant struggle for business professionals today is to somehow obtain a sense of balance between their job and personal life. For many people I know life balance is like a tightrope act that can cause anxiety and lead to burnout. [Read more…]
Why It’s Smart to be Direct When Communicating

Why is it smart to be direct when you communicate?
The answer is simple: Interacting with a person who is not honest and direct can be frustrating. When an individual states their position in a direct manner, honestly, and with tact and diplomacy is far better. Below are seven reasons why it’s smart to be direct when you communicate and why direct communication should be encouraged in your company.
When You Communicate With Someone Who is Direct
How to Deal With Negative People — The Princes and Princesses of Pessimism
All of us have come across negative people. For them, negativity is the driving force in their lives. When they go home at night, they complain about their customers, their jobs, their bosses, and the traffic. Then they park themselves in front of the TV and tune out the rest of the world. When it comes to making plans for their future they simply don’t because they are stuck wherever they are, which is usually in their own minds. They consider themselves “victims” of whomever or whatever. Sadly, they do not realize that thinking of themselves as victims of their world keeps them feeling oppressed and holds them back from professional accomplishment and personal happiness. [Read more…]
Go After the Big Fish- Three Sales Lessons From a Stingray Experience
Stingrays are generally docile and will swim close to divers and snorkelers. I experienced this just last week while on a much needed vacation in the Cayman Islands. I confess, I was really scared of them at first – especially the really big ones like the one below. But when I saw other people enjoying the experience, I overcame my fear. When one swam up to me I held it in my arms, hoping it wouldn’t react to the pounding of my heart and my shaking hands.
Avoid Negaholics
Seems like every time I write about negative people, I get lots of hits on my site, and “forwards” of Monday Morning Motivation. It’s no wonder, there are a lot of really negative grumpy people out there these days. [Read more…]