Need Stress Management – Of Course, You Do! But Only YOU Can Manage Your Stress

Stress Management in the WorkplaceFeeling overwhelmed and stressed out? You’re not alone. In today’s fast-paced business environment where people have heavy workloads and business owners are worried about business growth and profitability, stress management is critical.

One of the biggest over-riding issues in business today is the high level of stress business professionals are feeling on a daily basis. And it seems this will continue into the foreseeable future.  The cause? Simply living and working in today’s fast-paced world! [Read more…]

Peer Support


You’ve heard the expression “no one is an island unto himself.” We all need help and support through life. In today’s business climate, this statement has never been more accurate. Companies are requiring more work from fewer staff and have higher performance requirements, while resources that help maintain high morale have been trimmed or eliminated. Under these conditions, business professionals are experiencing higher levels of job stress and many companies are finding it difficult to maintain high morale. There’s an essential team skill companies can apply that can help. It’s called peer support. [Read more…]

Who Stole Your Enthusiasm?


No. That is not a rhetorical question, not really. But you may be one of many people who are having difficulty in experiencing any enthusiasm lately. This is quite understandable, and is directly related to the trials of living and working in today’s high-pressure working environment and challenging economic situation.

With far too many people worried about their future and seeing the glass as half-empty, not half-full, it’s no wonder so few are enthusiastic about anything. What to do? You cannot always control what happens around you, but you can learn from the wise. I believe Walter Chrysler said it best: “The real secret of success is enthusiasm. Enthusiasts are fighters. They have fortitude. They have staying qualities. Enthusiasm is the bottom of all progress. [Read more…]

Coping With Change and Challenge: Break Down or Break Records

Change and the challenges it brings cause some people to fret and break and others to break records. Change is like a grindstone, it either grinds you down or it polishes you up. [Read more…]

Alleviate Workplace Stress

Stressed Out – Who ME?

One of the biggest challenges for business professionals today is workplace stress. It’s not hard to figure out the reasons why stress is rampant in the workplace. Downsizing, reorganization, rapid change, tough customers, fierce competition, and having to do more with less have created stressful environments worldwide. This holds true regardless of what business you’re in.If not properly addressed, the results can be low morale, decreased productivity, lack of teamwork, and downright cranky people. No company can afford this type of environment, and yet it exists in many organizations.Telling employees to take “mental breaks,” and providing seminars on stress management and life-balance can help employees to learn tips on how manage their stress levels, but this is not enough. Today, executives and managers need new approaches to reduce the levels of employee stress. Providing a positive work environment and an innovative company culture are essential. Below are methods to help you to create a positive work environment and reduce workplace stress. [Read more…]
