Seven Smart Ways to
Build Your Referral Business

Ways to Get More Referrals

It often amazes me how many sales people and business owners tell me that they are uncomfortable asking for referrals.

Some don’t know how to ask, and some don’t ask at all. Referral business is the least expensive way to win new customers, has the highest possible leverage, and the best potential payoff. In addition, a prospect whose name you received through a referral may be more prone to return your call and less likely to look to another provider for their needs.

Below are seven smart ways to assist you in obtaining more referrals.

1. What gets measured gets done. Set a clear goal with a time line. Example, 10% increase in referral business over the next 10 weeks.

2. Be tactful with timing. Most people think the best time to ask for the referral is immediately after the close. That’s not a smart move.

Prove yourself and your service first. Ask for the referral after your customer has used your product and experienced great service.

3. Target Your Top 25 : Make a list of the top 25 customers that are delighted with you, your product and your company’s service. Ask them for referrals.

4. Stand on your head for your customers. Give your clients extra service and follow-up support before asking for referrals. When you give willingly to your customers, they will return the favor.

5. Make your “net” work and educate the on your business. Your network consists of suppliers, strategic partners, colleagues, and acquaintances. Enlist their assistance and educate them on type of customers you can help.

6. Rewards Program: Provide special rewards to your referring customers on a regular basis. If a customer provides you with a referral that results in a sale, offer them something special, e.g. discounts.

7. Thank-You: A simple thank you goes a long way. A thank you and a nice gift go even farther. Call to thank the people who provide you with a referral. Then, send them a handwritten note with a special gift.

These tips are simple. Where most people go wrong, is that they neglect to set a goal for obtaining referrals and make it a habit to ask for them on a regular basis. If you do, it will drive your referral business and build sales revenue. Start today and watch your referrals grow.

About Christine Corelli

Christine Corelli is a motivational, keynote, business, leadership, sales, and customer service speaker, sales trainer, and author of seven business books. As a keynote speaker, she is known for her high energy and interactive speaking style.

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