Change Management – Don’t Worry Be Happy Through Change


Going through change? What company isn’t?  Change can cause chaos and try peoples’ very souls. But not at Burt’s Bees. Several years ago, this American personal care products manufacturer made the decision to undergo a major international expansion.  John Replogle, their CEO at that time, recognized the importance of helping their people manage the change transition.

Replogle made a conscious decision to put employees first. He pledged to do everything he could to alleviate the pressure. Smart move. A Price Waterhouse Cooper study revealed that 9 out of 10 times, key barriers to successful change implementation are people related. 

Replogle did not focus on systems, procedures, marketing, etc. He focused his energy on creating a corporate culture that would help see them through.  He held a 1/2 day corporate wide workshop on…of all things – happiness! Not change management…happiness.

After the workshop, he instructed his entire leadership team to do everything they could to keep their teams happy, and to consistently talk with them about their corporate values, teamwork, and the importance of the role each employee plays as they made their transition to a global corporation.

The Bottom Line – Change impacts people. Putting them first and creating a happy work environment is not only smart, but it’s one of the best things you can do to impact your bottom line.

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About Christine Corelli

Christine Corelli is a motivational, keynote, business, leadership, sales, and customer service speaker, sales trainer, and author of seven business books. As a keynote speaker, she is known for her high energy and interactive speaking style.

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