Schmooze Difficult Customers

difficult customers

One of the most challenging situations is to turn difficult customers into loyal customers. If you can do so, then you may not only gain a new loyal customer but also create an advocate for your business. When you encounter a difficult customer, instead of getting angry and defensive, be respectful, apologetic and humble.

An owner of a pizza restaurant told me about a situation where a customer was charged for something he did not order and asked for the manager. The customer started yelling at at the owner, “You hire idiots to work here.” The owner apologized, corrected the bill and gave him a free pizza-to-go. He impressed the customer, and exceeded his expectations. Consequently, the gentleman became one of his most loyal customers. He introduced more people to their establishment and always complimented the owner o their great pizza. He visited so frequently he and the owner became good friends.

You can establish life-long friendships and build strong customer loyalty by going the extra mile and handling each customer with special care–whether they act like Dorothy or the Wicked Witch of the West.

Being extraordinarily responsive in your delivery of service to your customers is the mark of a smart business person. On a moment by moment basis, strive for excellence in your delivery of service to both your external and your internal customers. In doing so, you will set an example for everyone in your company and help maintain the momentum needed to obtain customer loyalty. At the end of each day, you, your customers and your coworkers will be the final judges of your performance.

Here’s a great article on Keeping The Most Difficult Customers, Customer Loyalty, Customer service excellence


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About Christine Corelli

Christine Corelli is a motivational, keynote, business, leadership, sales, and customer service speaker, sales trainer, and author of seven business books. As a keynote speaker, she is known for her high energy and interactive speaking style.

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