Serious About Client Service? – Seven Steps to Improve Your Service

Are You Serious About Client Service? – Seven Steps to Improve Your Service

Are you serious about improving the level of service you now provide? Of course you are! Providing outstanding client service is an imperative for business success. This holds true whether you have 10 or 10,000 people working for you. Below are Seven Steps you can take to make a positive impression and improve the level of client service you now provide.

1)  From the first point of contact with your client, portray a higher level of service than your competitors.  Make sure everyone answers the phone in a highly professional manner. Clients and potential clients  can tell how professional you are by how phones are answered. “Good morning. Ace Financial. This is John. How may I help you today?”

2)  Involve your staff in creating “guiding-principles” on how you will treat clients and each other. For example, “We will have a sense of urgency to serve our clients.” “We will make sure our office is spotlessly clean and makes a positive impression.” “If we see a client approaching our door, we will rush to the door to open it, greet them warmly.”  “We will make sure we pay strict attention to compliance.” These are simple. Work with your team and add more specific principles related to your business.  Put these in writing and give everyone a copy. Remind them about professionalism and exceptional service on a consistent basis.

3) Hold weekly meetings to discuss, “wins, (new clients) hits (a door has been opened)  and misses, (where the ball was dropped.)  If any complaints came in that week discuss how you could have been proactive in preventing them.  Then, determine ways to put the “WOW” into their experience with you. Keep in mind, little things can make a big difference. It can be something as simple as handing out tea roses on Mother’s Day or walking a female customer to their car.

4) Train your staff on how to communicate with customers. Studies have proven that customers are more loyal when communication is professional and memorable. “I’m always here for you, John.”

5)  Take a good hard look at your marketing and advertising.  Then, ask yourself this question: How much real truth is there in those carefully chosen words about how great your client service is?  Hopefully, you truly are great! Even so, the most successful business owners and client service professionals are never satisfied. They are always seeking to move to higher levels. This holds true if you own a business, or if you work for a large firm.

6) Create a competitive advantage and differentiate your business by branding your service.  It demonstrates you are serious about client service and improves potential clients’ perceptions of your company. Create a catchy phrase that resonates with your company name. If your company is First Wealth Management, your service brand could be “Client Service First.”  If your company is Five Rings Financial your service brand can be “Five Star Service.” If your business is “Regalwood Products.” It should be “Experience Regal Service.” If it is challenging to create a brand that “sings” with your company name, then create a Service Promise, or Client Bill of Rights.  Make sure it is prominent on your website.

7) Develop an obsession to deliver your best performance with every client, every day. Instill that obsession into your entire company. Getting serious about client service involves a great deal more. It requires treating your employees as well as you treat your best customers.

For now, take these steps, and you be in a better position to grow and prosper. Photo Courtesy of (Sean MacEntee) – Flickr

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About Christine Corelli

Christine Corelli is a motivational, keynote, business, leadership, sales, and customer service speaker, sales trainer, and author of seven business books. As a keynote speaker, she is known for her high energy and interactive speaking style.

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