Make a Decision to be Successful

         No matter what challenges you may be facing in your business or personal life, if you want to overcome them, achieve success and experience accomplishment you’ll need a positive attitude. (Gee, tell me something I didn’t know!) You’ll need that if you want to get the results you want. If you don’t have it, you are sabotaging any effort you may make. Second, you’ll need a sense of vision—seeing how much more successful you can be in your present job or in even in a completely different career. Or, if you are an executive or manager, you’ll need to have that vision first, then see how much more successful you can make your own company, and what you can dare to accomplish. Third, you need to make a decision to succeed and be a winner.

Winning and Achieving Success Requires a Decision

         This may sound strange, but winning and achieving success starts with a decision. World-Class athletes know that without having this type of mindset they cannot become winners or become the MVP. Likewise, smart people know they must make a decision to win if they want to land the unattainable client, launch a new product in record time, achieve that impossible sales goal or increase productivity in their department. Making the decision to win drives your skills and performance to new levels, makes you stronger, and gives you clarity.

You Have 3 Choices

         As I see it, you have three choices in your decisions: 1) you can decide to win, 2) you can decide to lose, or as one of my colleagues calls it, “Choose to Lose” or 3) you can let fate decide what will happen to you. Decision number two should be out of the question. Non-Achievers choose this option, whether they do so knowingly or not. Having long since abandoned any thought they may have had in their lives about being successful, they see no way to win. They think the deck is stacked against them, or they have been treated unfairly, or they haven’t been given the opportunity to succeed, or a whole host of other excuses that translate to one thing: “I’m comfortable with a losing mentality.”  

         Some people choose the third option. They usually do not see themselves as winners and they don’t view themselves as losers either. They’re often just adrift in the flotsam and jetsam of life. They wait for things to happen to them rather than choosing to make things happen for themselves. They rely on the “Serendipity Theory of the Universe.” They hope that one day when they least expect it, the phone will ring with that new job offer, promotion, assignment or long-awaited contract. It’s bad enough to plan your future waiting to win the lottery. It’s even worse to plan on winning the lottery and waiting in vain for someone to hand you a ticket. Hope is not a strategy! Clearly, that’s not an effective strategy for anyone who wants to achieve success in their business or personal life.

         That leaves one option available to the success-minded individual: DECIDE TO WIN. Be purposeful, resolute, and uncompromising about it. Failure should never be an option. Relying on fate is irrational. Given the alternatives, there isn’t really any other choice.

Make a decision to win. You’ll be glad you did. Be sure to read this:

About Christine Corelli

Christine Corelli is a motivational, keynote, business, leadership, sales, and customer service speaker, sales trainer, and author of seven business books. As a keynote speaker, she is known for her high energy and interactive speaking style.

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