
Would You Work for YOU? + Dealing With a Bad Boss

Even in today’s economy, the cost of employee turnover is high. Consider the expended time and money in recruiting, advertising, and training, and the lost productivity, increased stress and low morale that comes with turnover. Triple all of this if a person has been a valuable asset to your company. You simply can’t afford to lose a high contributor. The following is an excerpt from the manual, Hiring and Retaining Quality Employees:Why Quality Employees Leave

Why would a quality employee leave? Although today’s job market is sparse, some of the reasons would be a better offer, a new career, opportunity, family issues or personal problems. These are beyond any employer’s influence. Most situations however, are well within your control, especially if you make the rules.

According to numerous studies, one of the biggest reasons employees leave is related to working for a boss who does not respect their worth or treat them well. Below are ten behaviors bosses can exhibit that cause quality employees to resign.

1. Micromanages or has a bureaucratic management style.Quality employees need little supervision. They enjoy responsibility and desire to rise to the challenges given to them. If their leader, however, micromanages, then they feel as if they are neither trust or respected. “Let me know if you need help,” is a better way.

2. Is insincere. A boss who gives lip service will lose respect. A good boss is honest, and open. They tell them what they know, and what they don’t know.

3. Does not treat employees well.
If a boss wants their employees to treat customers well. They need to treat their employees with respect and courtesy and be able to communicate on all levels.

4. Is unprofessional. A boss who loses their temper, is unappreciative, comes in late, talks down to people, reprimands someone in front of others, or does not display the core values of honesty, integrity, respect, environmental stewardship, teamwork, excellence other other core values the company has established, will never earn the respect of a quality employee. A boss does not automatically obtain respect, just because they have a title. They must earn it.

5. Brushes people off or is inaccessible. Whether a boss intentionally ignores a quality employees concerns or is truly too busy to give them five minutes of their time, the message is still the same: They don’t care enough about the employee.

6. Tolerates Underperformers. Quality employees become frustrated if their boss if they don’t address performance or attitude issues with employees who do not perform. Because quality employees are usually diligent, they will pick up the slack for those not pulling their load, but they will not be happy about it. If the performance issue is not addressed, it is the quality employee who will leave and not the Underperformer.

7. Is unappreciative. Quality employees want to hear, “Thank you.”
“I appreciate your hard work.” Good bosses say this at least once a week.

8. Does not equally distribute workload. Many bosses have a tendency to “punish” quality employees for good performance. They give them a heavier workload. Thus, the employee is doing far more work than their colleagues. Eventually, they become so burned out that they start searching elsewhere.

9. Does not resolve conflict. Conflict occurs in many companies. A good boss is proactive in heading off problems, insists on teamwork, respect, and cooperation. When conflict occurs between two people or between departments, they resolve them immediately, regardless of the nature of the issue.

10. Takes credit. A quality employee will immediately become disheartened if their boss does not give credit to the individual or team that deserves it.

If you think these situations do not occur in many companies, just check the number of searches by employees on the phrase “bad boss,” or “dealing with a bad boss.”

Monday Morning Motivation

If you are an executive or business owner, make sure this Monday, every Monday, and every day, you will keep quality employees motivated, and make sure they don’t leave you. Here are steps you can take.

1. Train your leaders on how to practice dynamic leadership, and make sure all leaders lead in the same way.

2. Establish a “Zero Tolerance for Bad Bosses” policy in your company.

3. Create “guiding principles for leadership” on how you will treat employees, and make sure every boss adheres to them.

4. Take your average performers and coach them toward greatness. Then you will have an organization of high quality employees that will help carry your organization into a more successful future. Eliminate Underperformers. Have the courage to remove anyone that does not contribute to the company’s success.

5. Ask employees to complete confidential questionnaires –

Yes/No questions

In the last week, has your immediate boss expressed appreciation?

Does your boss help you and encourage you on a regular basis?

Is there a high level of teamwork in your department and between departments?

Now, for the most important question: “Would you recommend working here to a friend or colleague?”

Questions requiring written answers:

In your opinion, what might be holding back productivity and morale?

What do you suggest that management do to help you and your entire team perform more effectively?

6. Review and analyze the information

7. Identify three areas for improvement, and make a commitment to your employees to take action.

For today, take a good hard look at yourself and your entire leadership team, and ask yourself this question:

Would you work for YOU?

Photo Courtesy of (Chris Potter StockMonkeys.com) – Flickr

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About Christine Corelli

Christine Corelli is a motivational, keynote, business, leadership, sales, and customer service speaker, sales trainer, and author of seven business books. As a keynote speaker, she is known for her high energy and interactive speaking style.

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