Professional Development and Competitive Advantage in Business


Don’t Stunt Your Growth – Learn to Love to Learn.
Plus Obtain a Competitive Advantage.


With the instability of national economic conditions, you may be feeling a lot more insecure than you used to. Reductions in work force, a weak job market, and the pressures of working in a tough business climate are probably making you sit back and ask yourself,

“Where am I going in my life?”

Instead, perhaps you should shift your mind-set to, “Where am I GROWING in my life?”

If you want to achieve success, take ownership for your personal growth and professional development. Don’t wait for your company to send you to a training program. To excel in all you do and cope with the pressure to perform, expand your knowledge base, study your industry, and hone your skills. Be sure to study all you can on stress management and life-balance. It’s the only way to survive while on the competitive treadmill.

Ask yourself this question: Where do I need to improve, and what knowledge do I need to obtain to help myself move forward? Is it leadership or management skills? Creative problem-solving? Business management? Communication skills? Stress management techniques? Help with managing my money? Advanced sales techniques? Do I need to learn how to tap into my spirituality to find inner peace and be able to cope with life’s problems? Would I benefit from a personal coach to improve my “people skills?” Whatever may be on your “need’s list” it’s up to you to take action towards continuous improvement.

The books you never read, the skills you never applied, the seminar you never attended, the class you never took, and the effort you never made to learn will hold you back from reaching your full potential.

Live and learn. Learn to love to learn. Don’t stunt your growth. Remember, you can only grow as much as you know.

If you are an executive or manager, don’t stunt business growth. If you want to create and success business growth in today’s challenging world, a smart competitive strategy would be to become a learning organization-constantly learning, and learning faster than your competitors.

Adopt a “skill of the month” training program. Buy books for your team, or have them read a great article. Then have them brainstorm what they learned. Some companies have a brown bag lunch and learn once a week. Have a mentor program. Bring in a professional to provide training on how to create a sales culture, or what I call a “Sales-Service Excellence Culture.” (They go hand in hand.)

Don’t stunt your organization’s growth. Learn faster than your competitors.

How do you measure up in your ability to crush your competition? Are you making the most of your professional development? Do you have a competitive advantage in business?

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About Christine Corelli

Christine Corelli is a motivational, keynote, business, leadership, sales, and customer service speaker, sales trainer, and author of seven business books. As a keynote speaker, she is known for her high energy and interactive speaking style.

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