The Keys to Success Are Quite Simple

Key to Success

     Keep it simple. You’ve heard that before. Have you heard this? The keys to success are quite simple too.  Here are ten simple keys to success to keep in mind:

  • Be willing to work harder than others. Play harder than others. Laugh a lot along the way. Each time you laugh, you put a surge of positive energy through your body. 
  • Learn to love to learn. Be hungry to learn more. The moment you stop learning, you stop growing. You also start getting old. Keep learning.
  • Learn to love what you do. You may not be in a job position that you love, but if you can learn to love what you do, you’ll be more content. If you hate what you do. Do something different.
  • Remember the “Like Factor.” It’s not luck that makes you successful; It’s “likeability!” If you are not likeable, you are in big trouble! Count how many friends you have. That will help you to determine how likeable you are. Pay attention to whether people smile when they see you. You’ll figure it out.
  • Keep your life in balance, learn how to manage your stress, and avoid burnout. Without balance, life can pass you by before you know it. Even if you can only find 20 minutes a day to do the things you enjoy and the things that keep you healthy, that’s a good thing. Also, learn to breathe. Deeply!  Need stress management tips? Here you go:
  • Put meaning and purpose into your life. Help others become successful. Do more, give more, be more. Never settle for a life of mediocrity. Here is a reprint of something I wrote a few months ago: We each have a life to live – and hopefully, one that has meaning, purpose, and direction. Our work and our jobs are important, but they should never be what defines us. What defines us is what kind of person we are. Think of it this way: You are behind the wheel of your life. Always take the high road – the one most honest, ethical, giving, sharing, and caring. Be the kind of person your parents and God would want you to be. As you drive, give others the gifts of self-esteem, laughter, and the wisdom your have obtained on that high road. Be the best father, mother, aunt, uncle, friend, neighbor, partner, boss, and coworker you can possibly be. Make chicken soup for someone who is sick. Visit an elderly person. Adopt a shelter dog or cat that has been in the shelter too long. Shower those you love with love. Do unto others. Respect people, animals, our beautiful blue planet called Earth, and the environment. Keep a smile on your face even when you don’t feel like it. Then, you will have a life with more meaning and purpose.
  • Put energy and enthusiasm into your work and your life.
  • Keep things in proper perspective. Accept what you can’t change and don’t sweat the small stuff. Avoid excessive worry. Worry will not change the outcome of what will, or what will not happen.
  • Do unto others. Simple.
  • Take it one day at a time. That’s all you have to take it.

More on Success:

The keys to success are quite simple.Success doesn’t buy you happiness. Happiness buys you success. And happiness isn’t having what you want. It’s wanting what you have. 

About Christine Corelli

Christine Corelli is a motivational, keynote, business, leadership, sales, and customer service speaker, sales trainer, and author of seven business books. As a keynote speaker, she is known for her high energy and interactive speaking style.

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