Brand Promise: Three Leadership Tips – One Tip for Sales Leaders


Make your brand promise come alive. What is your brand promise?

Is your brand promise on your marketing materials, website, etc? Is there truth in what you say about yourself? Want to make it happen? Of course you do.

  • Have every employee write what that brand promise means to them and direct them to turn it in. Compile them and share the responses with your entire team. Now, make your brand promise come alive. Videotape the top ten employees, edit it, and play it at your next meeting. Then, put the video on your website, marketing materials, social marketing spots and elsewhere.
  • Never forget that leadership is a privilege. Each and every day, you just might have what might be a once in a lifetime opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others. Make that difference. That’s the true meaning of leadership.
  • Each and everyday, become a better version of yourself. Then, you become a great leader and have more meaning and purpose in your leadership role and in your life.

Tip for Sales Leaders:

Stop Showing Numbers. Start Showing Commission.

We all know the importance of setting sales goals and helping each sales person meet those goals. Something you might want to consider that just might make a difference, is to focus on the commission amount instead of the dollar number.

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About Christine Corelli

Christine Corelli is a motivational, keynote, business, leadership, sales, and customer service speaker, sales trainer, and author of seven business books. As a keynote speaker, she is known for her high energy and interactive speaking style.


  1. Great tips for leadership Christine, thanks for sharing! The point about treating a leadership role with privilege is very important, a good leader is one that is able to relate directly with their employees and get along with them on a personal level.

  2. Such an amazing article. Greatly appreciated.

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