The Good Boss


(Following is an excerpt from Christine’s manual – Hiring and Retaining Quality Employees)

Those of you who are familiar with my work know I often speak of how I’ve come across a few companies who seem to tolerate “bad-bosses” – leaders who destroy morale and dampen productivity. Some have actually caused quality employees to leave.

Smart companies insist upon dynamic leadership. Their leaders have an open-door policy and are never too busy to listen to their staff – even if it means they must temporarily shift their priorities. A good boss hires the best people and let them run with the ball. They don’t micromanage. They know that giving people the responsibility and authority to accomplish their work is one of the strongest ways they can show their appreciation and respect.

A good boss not only knows what characteristics to look for when hiring people, but they know where to find quality employees—they discover them within their own organizations and work hard on developing their talent. A good boss has the ability and attitude to turn average performers into high achievers. They encourage them, develop their skills, and provide unlimited coaching. Most important, they make people believe in themselves.

Think back to your early years. Weren’t there certain people – teachers, relatives, bosses – for whom you would walk through fire because they brought out the best in you? Didn’t you have someone who believed in you, before you believed in yourself? As simple as it sounds, great leaders are simply people who inspire people to do better at everything they do. To be a good boss, develop your “people skills”. Be highly supportive of your staff. When necessary, stand up for them and go to bat for them.

If you want to gain a competitive edge, learn to recognize and emphasize strong leadership skills within your organization. Look for the best leaders – and be one yourself. Train all of your managers to create the best environment and attitude that will generate the highest performance.

If anyone on your management team cannot measure up to what should be your policy— “Zero Tolerance for Bad Bosses,” there are many unemployed managers out there who have lost their job through downsizing or restructuring who would love to have their leadership position. After all, the best environment for all must be maintained by everyone involved. You cannot do it alone. You set the tone for the organization; everyone along the way has to sustain it.

A good boss knows that in a positive atmosphere of consideration and support, they can build their subordinates’ self-esteem. By bringing out the best in them, good leaders can unlock their employees’ full talents and put those talents to work.

The mission of a good boss is to help every worker attain his or her full potential – as an employee and as a human being- so he or she can perform in an increasingly competitive and challenging environment. Your company needs all the help from motivated employees it can muster. Make your work environment the best it can be.

Take a moment to reflect on your management skills. Are you the best boss you can be? Just ask yourself this question: Would you work for YOU?

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About Christine Corelli

Christine Corelli is a motivational, keynote, business, leadership, sales, and customer service speaker, sales trainer, and author of seven business books. As a keynote speaker, she is known for her high energy and interactive speaking style.

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