Leadership Assessment



Through years of careful research and extensive experience working with today’s most successful leaders, Christine has created a leadership assessment tool and guide to help you identify where you excel and how you can improve in the five essential facets of leadership excellence.

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Everything starts and stops with leadership!  Do you agree? You should. This leadership assessment tool will help you to excel in your leadership role.

No matter how smart you are in creating a competitive strategy, or how proficient you are as a manager, it’s your ability to LEAD that determines your success.

Through 25 years of careful research and extensive experience working with today’s most successful leaders across the globe, Christine has created this leadership assessment tool and guide to help you to identify where you excel and where you may need improvement in the five essential facets of leadership excellence. They are…

  1. Develop Your Mission, Vision, and a Smart Competitive Strategy
  2. Communicate Your Mission, Vision, and Strategy Throughout Your Organization or Department 
  3. Implement Changes Necessary for to Create and Sustain Success
  4. Sustain Momentum by Keeping Employees Motivated and Recognizing Achievement
  5. Execute Your Competitive Strategy and Implement Ideas 

This Leadership Assessment is a tool to help you assess your proficiency in each of these five facets. Through inquiring about the current perceptions, habits, and behaviors that you apply in your current professional role, the Leadership Assessment will determine the frequency and degree to which your perceptions, habits, and behaviors emulate those of a dynamic leader.

How you will use this guide and achieve results:

Regardless of the size of your business, or whether you are an Executive, Manager, Director, Team Leader, of Supervisor, you will obtain results

  • Evaluate your style, performance, approach and ability to influence others to follow your lead
  • Determine the ability of your entire leadership team and identify areas for improvement for each manager
  • Identify future leaders in your organization
  • Groom emerging  leaders for success
  • Establish highly effective leadership practices
  • You will also need to be brutally honest with yourself. You cannot answer the questions in terms of how you believe an ideal leader would answer them. You will receive a Question Translation Document that identifies why each question is asked, and a Scoring Guide.

Client Testimonials:

“I believe your Leadership Assessment is great. I particularly like the last section (Question Bank). That should be very helpful to anyone using it to change and improve behaviors. I know this leadership assessment took tremendous effort on your part to create. Good job!” J. Worrell, Vice President Operations, BERRY COMPANIES, INC.

“This made me take a good hard look at myself. I identified my strengths and areas for improvement.” R. Villeareal, Director Dealer Development, Kubota

“This is an amazing tool for every organization’s leadership team!” L. Salani, Salani Design

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