Retail Sales – Warning! Missing This Sale Could Be Hazardous to Your Holiday Budget!

The Holiday Season is fast approaching. Are you prepared?
Capture Customers With Creativity
Did the title of this post grab your attention and compel you to open it and read it? If so, that was its intent. Make sure your ads are eye-catching, equally compelling and “sing” to what is occurring in our economy. For example, “Strapped for Cash this Holiday Season? – Shop at _______ For Sensational Sales.” Here’s an idea I gave to a kitchen and bath showroom owner: We created an ad with a photo of a diamond ring with an X drawn through it. The headline was – “Give Her An Affordable Stone She’ll Love Forever.” Underneath it was a bathroom vanity with a granite top. The price for the granite countertop – installed, was $100.00. The result: Men came into the store, paid for the granite countertop, and were given a gift certificate for the recipient of the gift stating, “Come in and Make Your Selection.”Between Christmas and New Year’s most customers ended up buying granite countertops for their kitchens too. Some had their kitchens remodeled. A successful strategy!
Retail Sales Online?
Interesting stats for those who sell on-line. What drives online purchases?  According to this recent research these are the incentives that encourage online purchasing.
  • 77% of respondents said free shipping would encourage them to purchase more goods online
  • 56%, free returns
  • 43%, in-store return option
  • 41%, ability to use store coupons online
  • 40%, in-store pickup option
  • 27%, better selection
  • 21%, easier site navigation
  • 17%, more payment options.


Make it Easy to Shop and Buy from YOU 
An Apple a day…Personal assistance is the minimum that Apple provides for its eager customers. Go into any Apple store and see for yourself how great the service is and how easy it is to make a purchase. Customers don’t have to stand in line to purchase. The same person (a technically trained staffer) who assists them uses high-tech, hand-held equipment to ring up the retail sales, print out a receipt, and send an e-mail receipt as well. Plus, they offer training for a nominal additional fee. You never leave there without feeling taken care of. You may not have the same budget as Apple, but you can train your people to provide personal assistance. Displaying “eagerness to serve” should be a motto in your store.


Make it Easy and Be Different. 
The places to shop for groceries in Glen Falls, N.Y. are all within the same driving distance, have similar pricing strategies, and have the same merchandise-give or take. However, one of the stores decided to distinguish itself from their competitors by demonstrating a higher level of customer service and being different.


Special runners were hired, dressed in bright yellow, whose only job was to “run for the customer.” This could include finding last minute items, getting items out of stock, returning items the customer doesn’t want, pushing carts out to the car, loading the bags, and even returning the cart to the stand-and never requiring a tip. The attention has paid off with steady customer growth in a stagnant market. The management of this local grocery store understands and applies two of the key principles in business success: Make it easy for the customer to do business with you, and be different.

Special runners were hired, dressed in bright yellow, whose only job was to “run for the customer.” This could include finding last minute items, getting items out of stock, returning items the customer doesn’t want, pushing carts out to the car, loading the bags, and even returning the cart to the stand-and never requiring a tip. The attention has paid off with steady customer growth in a stagnant market. The management of this local grocery store understands and applies two of the key principles in business success: Make it easy for the customer to do business with you, and be different.


Come Out Come Out 
Instruct your counter staff to come around the to greet customers instead of standing behind the counter like everyone else. If you are the store owner or manager and are not busy serving a customer or taking care of an urgent matter, introduce yourself to customers as they are leaving, extend your hand, and hand them your business card. Say, “I’m John Smith, the store manager. If I can ever help you here’s my card. Thanks for shopping here. Have a great holiday.”


Try a Different Approach
If you’re selling the same old way you’ve always sold and aren’t getting the results you’d like, maybe it’s time to do things differently. If you don’t, you may find it harder and harder to win-over customers. Think about it. If you and your staff say and do the same things as every other retailer, how will you ever stand out “above the rest?
For example, if you still say, “May I help you?” (so boring!) when a customer walks into the store, it’s time to use some creativity and improve your tenacity. Make a lasting impression from the start. Be different. How about, “Hi, how are you today? I’m Carol.” “Just looking? Okay, take your time. I’m John, and when you’re ready, I’ll be happy to answer any questions you might have.” Or, “Would you like me to direct you to our advertised specials?”


You don’t need to use those exact phrases, but do be selective with what you choose to say. Experiment and find phrases that are appropriate for what you sell.


Remember the Golden Rule.
How would I want to be treated as a customer?” You would certainly want the most courteous, most efficient, and easiest service possible. And you would want to be treated as a VIP.
Make your customers feel important. Very important. After all, they are the people who provide your paycheck.


If I can be of service to you in the area of retail sales, customer service, or consulting I would welcome your phone call.


Call (847) 477-7376 or reply to this e-mail.


I invite you to visit my website:



With kind regards,


Christine  Corelli
Photo Courtesy of (FindYourSearch) – Flickr
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About Christine Corelli

Christine Corelli is a motivational, keynote, business, leadership, sales, and customer service speaker, sales trainer, and author of seven business books. As a keynote speaker, she is known for her high energy and interactive speaking style.

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