Need Stress Management – Of Course, You Do! But Only YOU Can Manage Your Stress

Stress Management in the WorkplaceFeeling overwhelmed and stressed out? You’re not alone. In today’s fast-paced business environment where people have heavy workloads and business owners are worried about business growth and profitability, stress management is critical.

One of the biggest over-riding issues in business today is the high level of stress business professionals are feeling on a daily basis. And it seems this will continue into the foreseeable future.  The cause? Simply living and working in today’s fast-paced world!

Only You Can Manage Your Stress

The harsh reality is that only YOU can manage your stress. You have to find ways that work- no matter how simple — to manage your stress. Here are a few tips:

    • Deep breathe often. And I mean really deep breath. Sit up straight when you do it, or you will schmush your organs. Inhale slowly. Exhale slowly. Don’t move your shoulders when you do it. Be relaxed. Get up and stretch. Master these: 11 Exercises to Do at Your Desk
    • Think positive! (As if you never heard it before!) But it’s true. Negativity breeds negativity.
    • Take five! When things get hectic and you feel like your brain is going to explode, take a five-minute mental break, and again, deep breathe!
    • Take exceptionally good care of your health – exercise, get enough sleep and eat healthily. Your body is the only one you have, and you need it to last a long time.
    • Eat lots of dark green leafy vegetables. They contain “nerve nurturing” vitamins and minerals. The more you eat, the better you will feel. Avoid junk food.
    • Block out thoughts about the workplace when you go home. This will help you to relax your mind and recharge your batteries. If thoughts about the workplace enter your mind, push them out! This is YOUR time for YOUR personal life. Push out negative thoughts as well. Negativity creates more negativity and zaps your energy.
    • Learn to meditate to clear your mind. Close your eyes and try to empty your mind of all thoughts. Think about something that calms you or something that brings you joy. Focus on it.
    • Yoga works wonders. Take a class.  Yoga is one of the best things you can do for your mind and body.
    • Use positive self-talk. “I can handle this.” “I will get it done.” “I’m not going to let this upset me.”
    • Envision a big project already done.
    • Accept the things you cannot change. Deal with whatever you have to deal with! Focus on things that are within your control.
    • Be highly organized at work and at home. If you are not, you will surely agonize and your level of stress will be tenfold.
    • Find simple solutions for life balance that work for YOU.
    • Don’t let negoholics, gossips gripers, snipers, nit-pickers, drill sargeants, creeps, egomanics, nut-cases get to you. Be far above them and their bad stuff.
    • Keep things in proper perspective: There is no perfect job, perfect team, perfect boss, perfect person. And we don’t live in a perfect world.
    • Don’t sweat the small stuff!  Ask yourself: “Is what I’m stressing over really all that important?” “Am I over-reacting?”
    • If you are a worry-wart, chill! Worry is like a rocking chair. It keeps moving but it gets you nowhere!  Besides, would if everything you worry about will turn out just fine? Would if you worried needlessly and drove yourself nuts for nothing?
    • Are you an Overachiever? Have you programmed your brain to think that fatigue is next to godliness? Take a deep breath and give yourself permission to slow down a bit.  Perhaps the phrase “hard work” has been transformed to “work too hard” and you never even noticed the change. You probably worry about work first thing in the morning, the last thing before you fall asleep and probably wake up several times in the middle of the night wondering how you’re going to get everything done the next day. Accept the fact that you can never get everything done because everyone has too much to do, too little time. Just make sure you get your three biggest priorities done each day.
    • Smile when you don’t feel like it. Hum! Sing! Whistle.
    • Make this your mindset: “For every problem, there’s a solution — perhaps not a perfect solution, but certainly a way to make things better.” Example: Problem employee? Have a heart-to-heart talk with them and discuss expectations. Say, “Here’s what I need from you…and tell them!  Problem with a relationship?  Meet the individual half-way.  Another example:  Burdened with debt?  It’s not hopeless. Learn to manage your money more effectively. Dave Ramseys Total Money Makeover is great. No time to talk to your team, read to your kids, fast-walk, exercise or learn a new skill?  Consider the 20 minute solution
    • 20 minutes per day x 7 days per week= 140 minutes per week
      140 weekly minutes x 52 weeks per year = 7,280 minutes per year 7,280 divided by 60 minutes per hour = 121 hours per year –You Can Accomplish GREAT THINGS in the Workplace and in Your Personal Life and Master Any Subject or Skill By Spending Just Twenty Minutes of Time a Day! 
  • Fast walk to get your blood moving and release tension. Do it on your lunch hour. Take the stairs.
  • Make time for the people and things in your life that bring you JOY. Make a list and look at that list often. This will remind you if you are living the life you want to live.
  • Think peaceful thoughts and strive for feelings of calmness and inner peace.
  • Think of every single thing in your life you are grateful for!
  • Have more fun!  What are you doing for fun lately?

Important On Stress Management…

Don’t get stressed out about being stressed out!

Even More Important On Stress Management…

In each and every one of us, there is a place of unbelievable peace, tranquility, and strength. You just have to find it.  How do you find it?  Here’s a hint and it’s the last stress management tip:  Tap into the spiritual side of yourself.


Need stress management training in house or a virtual session? We can help!


About Christine Corelli

Christine Corelli is a motivational, keynote, business, leadership, sales, and customer service speaker, sales trainer, and author of seven business books. As a keynote speaker, she is known for her high energy and interactive speaking style.


  1. very nice

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